Monday, February 21, 2011


MEMENTO is a movie FULL of TOK key words. No wonder they made us watch it today. However, I wasn't exactly forced, it was an amazing movie!

Source: Google, Memento Polaroid
It's a movie about Lenny [main character], seeking the murderer and rapist of his wife. The problem he faces is that he has short term memory loss. He is then forced to write down key events in the day and take a polaroid of objects like his car. The movie has two parts to it running simultaneously. The colour film is in reverse order, working from the last event in the film to the first. This was done to create confusion to the audience, like the main character Lenny feels trying to piece together who murdered his wife. The second part is in black and white, however this runs in chronological order. He has to figure out who to trust and he explains how memory is not reliable.

The two main characters that the audience jumps trust is between Teddy and Natalie. The audience gets to see what these two characters are really like, but because Lenny doesn't have time to write down what they are really like, he forgets. Natalie is the character who takes advantage of Lenny's disorder to help with her own problems. She tells Lenny to NOT trust Teddy because he is the killer and Teddy tells Lenny NOT to trust Natalie because she is using him to her advantage. They are both right in saying to trust neither Natalie or Teddy, but Lenny doesn't see this.

Lenny talks about how he and people in general shouldn't trust memory because they can be distorted. He talked about how he is CERTAIN of some things like the feel and sound.

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